
How To Increase Size Of Start Menu In Windows 10

Overall Windows 10 screen looks beautiful simply it allows express control over the transparency of the Taskbar, Activeness Center, and the Start menu. You can just brand these components transparent or solid.  Notwithstanding, with trivial bit of patience and circumspection you tin can make information technology wait even better – you lot can add together transparency or increment the level of transparency of the Start Menu and the Taskbar. If you are not aware of how to do it, after reading this article you can comfortably enable, disable or enhance the transparency of these elements.

In the Settings app of Windows 10, a single switch controls the transparency of the iii elements namely Start Carte du jour, Taskbar and Action Center .  These elements are slightly transparent by default.

To manage transparency:

Get to Settings > Personalization > Colors and toggle the Transparency effects to ON.

However, yous cannot utilise this setting to apply transparency to an private UI chemical element and retain solid color for other elements or to select the level of transparency for each of the chemical element separately.

Control Transparency by Editing the Registry Key

You can still make the Commencement Carte du jour and the Taskbar more than transparent by modifying a registry key. Since the Windows ten Registry contains settings and configurations, y'all must take utmost care while modifying the key. It is a skillful practise to accept a backup of the Registry files before editing them.

Annotation: You must have administrative rights on your computer to modify the Registry Key.

Increasing the Start Menu Transparency

To modify the Registry file:

  1. Press Windows key + R to open the Run control box and blazon regedit.
  2. In the Registry Editor select HKEY_CURRENT _USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize as displayed in the analogy below.
    personalize enable transparency key in Windows 10 Registry
  3. Double-click Enable Transparency . In the Edit DWORD box, replace the value to 0 and click OK to salvage the change. The default value is set to 1. Equally presently as you click OK, yous will notice the departure in the transparency. That's it! you lot are done!

When yous increase the transparency it is apparent when the window behind the Beginning Card is lighter in color or if the wallpaper is bright. Else, the change would non be evident. Play effectually with bright and nighttime backgrounds and change the tiles pinned to your Start Menu to see what appeals to you most.

NOTE: The changes made do not impact the Action Heart.

Increasing the Taskbar Transparency

  1. In the Registry Editor select: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \Explorer\Advanced . You will have to create a new value in the Advanced subkey.
  2. To create a new value right-click the Advanced key, and select New > DWORD (32 flake) Value . Adjacent name the new value as UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency .
  3. Double-click the new UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency value to open its backdrop page, gear up the value to 1 and click OK.

UseOLEDTaskbarTransparency registry key

After making the changes, close the Registry Editor and restart your motorcar to reflect the changes. Alternatively, go to Settings > Personalization > Color and toggle any of the colour settings, that is, toggle to Off and then back to ON to force the changes made.

windows 10 color personalization

Likewise the above Registry play tricks, in that location are quite a few other hacks to enhance the Windows 10 organisation. But exist cautious and play effectually to brand the changes. At any given time, if yous are not happy with the changes made, you tin ever render to the original settings.

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How To Increase Size Of Start Menu In Windows 10,


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